Liane Shayer is the Marketing Automation Manager at Protiviti. She specializes in demand generation, marketing automation, strategy, and analytics. At Protiviti, she was in charge of deploying a marketing maturation strategy as well as educating her staff on the best use cases and benefits of how to use automation software like Eloqua. She shares her journey and process in this week’s episode.

Tune in and Get Inspired to:

  • Creating and utilizing integrated dashboards to gather key data points
  • Increase productivity with team education
  • Quality segmentation is a key to effective email marketing
  • Execute a personal email in a way that is trackable — via Eloqua
  • Leverage the power of marketing automation

Key Takeaways:

[:40] Who is Liane and what does she do for Protiviti?
[4:00] What results has Liane seen so far when it comes to her marketing maturation process?
[9:10] Liane really had to drill down on the process of how her marketing team was talking to their customers and build out a clear process so that customers weren’t receiving the same type of content.
[11:15] What were some of the most important steps to creating an effective marketing maturity plan?
[14:00] Liane worked with her team and showed them step-by-step, how to properly use Eloqua and really show them the benefits of what a diverse platform can do for their marketing.
[14:25] If Liane had to do it all over again, what would she do differently?
[18:30] People get so much email, so it’s more important than ever to create an engaging and ‘clickable’ email.
[22:15] Everyone wants to do email marketing, but the customer might not be as receptive to that. So it’s important to know your stats and develop alternative methods of communication and make it more personalized for your audience.
[23:20] What’s next for Liane?
[26:25] What inspires Liane?

Quick Links

Liane Shayer on LinkedIn

The Inspired Marketing podcast is produced by Relationship One. Our goal is to share real experiences and inspirational stories of marketing leaders that are transforming their organization using the Oracle Marketing Cloud.

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