Data-driven marketing marketing gets a lot of attention in our space, and rightfully so. Without the right data and analysis, you cannot effectively target and market to your customers and prospects. However, there is another level of marketing that we need to consider — a level I call Intelligence-based Marketing. In another post, I reference the various kinds of analytics you should consider as part of your marketing analyses — engagement, impact, and action-driven. Intelligence-based marketing requires action-driven analytics and allows you to hyper-personalize your communication and your customer’s experiences. Although, intelligence-based marketing can permeate your entire strategy and approach, there are three key areas on which you can focus to kick-start your efforts.

Intent Intelligence

With today’s technology, there are many ways to access intent data for your audience. If you have an internal data sciences or analytics team, try working with them to analyze existing behavioral data and purchase history to determine target segments most likely to purchase a specific product or service. With marketing automation platforms like Eloqua, that behavioral data is easy to capture and export for further manipulation in separate business intelligence tools. Depending on your team’s sophistication, you may want to layer on additional 3rd party data to further enhance intent-modeling. If you don’t have an internal team to handle this kind of analytics, there are a number of platforms on the market that leverage intent data. Most of them will integrate with your marketing technologies to further target your campaigns.

Predictive analytics is an additional area that takes your intent data and layers on components of machine learning and digital intelligence to help you take action on prospects and leads. With proper predictive tools, you’ll more precisely target and prioritize leads ready to move from one stage of their buying process to another. Based on predictive scores, leads can be funneled to sales or hyper-personalized campaigns to expedite the sales process.

Behavioral Intelligence

If you’re not ready to take the leap into intent-driven marketing, diving deeper into your behavioral data is a strong way to increase your marketing effectiveness. Most marketing automation platforms will capture activity on your website, and there are many ways to group and segment based on this data. Defining your most valuable content, or categorizing behavior based on interest, can help identify buyer stages and preferences. From there, you can funnel contacts and leads into nurture campaigns that target specific needs. If you are capturing behavioral data elsewhere (mobile, offline, events, etc.), consider integrating this data so you can leverage it within your segmentation strategies.

In addition to the analytics you collect, consider enhancing your information with 3rd party data to better target individuals in the market for a specific product or service. Many digital marketing and data enrichment platforms can share data within your technologies so you can not only target effectively, but also target look-alike audiences and conduct ad campaigns outside of your email marketing campaigns.

Event intelligence

An event is more than just a physical or virtual event or webinar. Consider events to be anything happening outside of your marketing automation platform that could trigger a communication or entry into a nurture campaign. Some common examples are actions that take place on your website, within your social networks, and within your mobile applications. Often, events on an e-commerce site will trigger notifications, emails, or reminders, especially if someone abandons their cart, likes an item, or continuously browses specific products.

You can broaden your definition of an event, especially if your marketing automation platform is integrated with your CRM or customer support system. Consider creating trigger-based marketing efforts based on a changed status field, a new order creation, a new case opening or an existing case closing, entry into a process or campaign, etc. When you’re developing event-based marketing programs, think about your customer’s entire journey including all of their touchpoints. How can you add value along the way?

These are just a few ways that you can use intelligence-based marketing in your strategy and campaigns. As you’re planning your initiatives, Relationship One is here to be a resource. Contact us anytime.