After reading the title, you’re likely wondering, “Well, why should I be excited?” Easy. PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence is paving the way for a new generation of sales/marketing alignment. Sales enablement has always been integral to any marketer’s B2B strategy. As marketers, we drive and manage leads to help accelerate the pipeline. We do this through various measures, including targeted campaigns, programs, and operations. You could say that sales enablement is the bridge that connects sales and marketing. Over the years, sales enablement has grown to include various activities beyond traditional lead initiatives. Sales enablement now includes providing buyer insights, shareable content, and online tools that allow sales to interact directly with buyers and prospects.

Although sales enablement is a critical component of marketing’s impact, it has limitations. Sales enablement is typically untied to the actual pipeline and is separate from the buyer’s journey. It’s helpful for sales to see which contacts are engaged and interested, but this information doesn’t usually align with the buyer’s sales stage. It’s hard for sales to use these insights or prioritize or accelerate their actual pipeline. Knowing which content, products, and services are most intriguing to your buyers is powerful. Combining that information with the stage of that buyer’s journey to close actual opportunities is priceless. When you’ve hit this merger, your marketing and sales teams become a real revenue powerhouse.

PathFactory for Sales takes the first step in arming your revenue team with the data and insights that matter in driving the pipeline. The PathFactory for Sales engine gives your sales team the power to prioritize their day based on real-time behavioral data, whether account or contact based. Armed with detailed content engagement data, your team can provide relevant follow-up based on the needs and interests of your top prospects and customers. The PathFactory for Sales widget provides team members with a detailed view of account and contact insights while also allowing them to share curated content related to the immediate interests of their buyers. PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence (PFfRI) furthers this information by connecting it with CRM data and opportunities.

PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence

Buyers are constantly sending signals about their interests, level of engagement, and acceleration of need. Through PathFactory and other marketing technologies, marketers can collect, synthesize, and harness this information into actionable insights that drive campaigns and outreach. This information can then be shared with your revenue team members so they can communicate and connect with buyers directly within their account base. PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence enhances content consumption patterns by integrating them with CRM data, linking buyer insights to active opportunities and lead stages.

PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence also allows your entire revenue team to access marketing-generated content themes that can be shared with active buyers. Integrating directly with your email platform, PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence allows your team to send relevant content streams to targeted audiences. They can then see how and when that data is consumed to help prioritize their day for maximum effectiveness.

Revenue Intelligence Insights

Buying Signals

Buying Signals shows your team the topical interests across their account’s buying committee within an opportunity. Since PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence connects content consumption with CRM data at the account, opportunity, and lead/contact level, your team members have a full view of account engagement. The tool uses IP addresses to map consumers with accounts through 6sense so that team members can view known and unknown users. They can then use this information, and trending topics, to target better and plan engagement tactics.

Topics of Interest

Using topics of interest, team members can see the top trending topics across all accounts and for each of their accounts. This is particularly unique because PathFactory uses natural language processing to determine these trending topics. These topic alignments are not based on a marketer’s thinking (or bias) – no tags or categories are involved. Instead, this is machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data extraction at its best. PFfRI ensures that the real topics of interest are displayed, providing the revenue team with actionable insights to best plan their communication.

Account Insights

With PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence, your team’s account content engagement is aligned with your CRM. Revenue team members can see their territories based on CRM mappings and alignments, allowing them to hone in on their accounts’ buying signals. They can also group accounts together within a parent account so that they can see overall trends and interests. Team members can see content consumption of assets viewed, time spent on assets, and more. This will help your team prioritize efforts, identify what is resonating, and prescribe the next best action to accelerate the pipeline. The team can also see content performance over time to analyze how changes impact buyer engagement and sales. Within various PFfRI dashboards, the team can see the most active and least active accounts, trending topics, and account summaries, including the highest-ranked topics in aggregate and by contact.

Opportunity Insights

Real-world content engagement of your team’s buyers is mapped to your revenue team’s opportunity data in CRM, which is immensely valuable for real-world engagement and communication. Topics of interest are associated with each opportunity, and you can see this information by sales stage and closure period. Armed with this visibility, team members can analyze topics that influence the growth of new and existing buyers, along with the impact on pipeline velocity changes. Your team will have detailed key metrics for active deals, allowing them to prioritize based on real-time engagement across buyers.

Content Sharing with Templated Experiences

PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence allows your revenue team to share branded, marketing-approved content that can be emailed to buyers directly from your CRM and private email tools. Templated Experiences allow marketers to build content tracks easily and share them with the revenue team. These Experiences allow marketers to lock down certain areas of the template, ensuring brand compliance and consistency while also giving team members flexibility in messaging. Certain content areas can be customized by team members when allowed by marketing. With the introduction of Themes, you can ensure your brand stays on point across all of your Experiences. Themes and Templated Experiences help your revenue team scale messaging with personalization across accounts and buyers.


Revenue enablement is an increasingly critical component of marketing’s focus, especially given its direct impact on pipeline and accelerated sales. Sales, marketing, and other revenue team members need to work together to reach buyers when and how they need information. PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence provides deep visibility and insights into a buyer’s current journey and allows your team members to connect that information with actual opportunities and in-the-moment messaging. The next wave of revenue enablement is here, and PathFactory is leading the way. If you want to learn more about PFfRI, request a demo or contact Relationship One.